What is Real - Caller?
With Real Caller you can enlist your profile for free and choose how to appear to the world! It's a Caller Id & Spam blocker app.
Is Real Caller free?
Yes. You can enlist, update or remove your profile free of charge.
You can find an enlisted profile for free, just enter the app and Enjoy! You can also have additional paid services such as adding more than 1 profile.
which Mobile platforms Real Caller is available ?
Real Caller is available on Apple ios version 9.0 or later and Android version 5.1 or later.
Can I enlist my info to Real Caller free of charge?
Yes. You can enlist your info for free from within the "My Profile" view. Just enter your details and click Save!
How can I activate my profile?
We will send you SMS verification code to verify your profile.
Can I update my profile free of charge?
Yes. You can update your profile for free from within the "My Profile" view. A full guide can be accessed here.
Can I remove my profile from the directory free of charge?
Yes, it's free to remove your profile. From within the "My Profile" view, choose "No Body" can see profile details. A full guide can be accessed here.
Can I change my phone number free of charge?
Yes, it's free to change your phone number from within the "My Profile" view by clicking on your current number and following the instructions. A full guide can be accessed here.
I didn't receive a verification code yet, what should I do?
Please note that it make take up to few minutes to receive the code, so waiting few more minutes is advisable.
Can I view my recent search?
Yes. Your recent search will be saved in the "Recent Search" view.
How can I find an enlisted profile?
Select "Profiles" from the left menu, and perform a search.